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Do you want a garden that works for you and your needs? We can help you bring your garden to life, organising and creating spaces for you to enjoy your garden how you want, when you want, that are not only beautiful, yet practical and functional too. We will produce a scaled plan drawing with visualisations to show you the potential that can be achieved to really make the most out of your precious outdoor space.

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Perhaps your garden needs rejuvenation but you can’t face a building project or you don’t require a full re-design with hard landscaping?

Or maybe you have a plot masquerading as a garden, comprising of no more than a patio and lawn, that is bland and uninspiring?

A lot can be achieved with a design for soft landscaping and we can source the best plants for your garden and conditions, from some of the best and specialist nurseries around the UK to really give your garden that instant ‘wow’ factor.

Gardens also evolve over time, so we can produce a planting design for you to grow with, adding to your garden as it matures.

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Do you have a large plot and don’t know where to start to organise your space?

Or perhaps you know how you want to use your land but don’t know how best to create a cohesive overall design that coordinates your needs and uses your land to its best advantage?

We can provide masterplanning services, analysing your site to produce large scale masterplan drawings, strategy and phasing documents. We work in collaboration with other professionals such as architects, developers, arboriculturalists and ecologists to formulate a strategy that provides solutions to the complexity of larger sites, whether private gardens or of a commercial and development nature.


We are able to assist with all stages of the planning process if required, for the landscape aspect of your project, from pre-application right the way through to listed building consent applications if necessary. By considering the landscaping at the planning design stage we can also help ensure that your design will work for you both inside and out and give you the best use and enjoyment of your newly created spaces.

We can help navigate the process whether permissions are required for a garden and landscaping only project, or we are able to work with other professionals such as planning consultants, architects, ecologists etc for designs that include other elements such as extensions or renovations to properties, or larger commercial and development projects. It is often a requirement of Local Authorities to include landscape statements and designs as part of planning applications so we can ensure that landscape aims of your design meet the planning requirements needed to get your project to the next stage. This could include, for example planting and biodiversity, sustainable urban drainage (SUDS), changes meeting a highway or material changes to the setting of your garden and property or a larger development. We can liaise with Local Planning authorities and conservation officers if your garden or development is in a conservation area.

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To bring your design into reality we can handle all aspects of the design in order to be able to approach trusted contractors and obtain and compare quotes for you. Whether it be soft landscaping only or a design that includes constructed elements like new terraces, driveways and walls we can design the detail and provide the necessary drawings and documents for each part of your project. as construction details, planting plans, lighting drainage and irrigation plans to full specifications and scope of works.

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We include a care plan for any new planting that forms part of the proposed design. This will describe the maintenance routine for one calendar year.

If you would like a more in depth Full Management Plan including planting, tree and hard landscaping management, we are able to produce this explaining the routine for the different elements of the design over the next 5 years. This is a useful document to understand what maintenance may be required for the longer term and helps to organise the timetable of maintenance work recommended and helps to program timings for groundsmen or when hiring trades such as gardeners and tree surgeons, so as not to incur duplicated visits. It is particularly useful if you would like to continue maintenance with a specific contractor once build and soft landscaping is completed on site, or if a phased design is chosen so that you can be sure your garden will evolve over time into the envisaged idea.


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Are you a fellow garden designer or practice, who requires additional help in meeting your workload and deadlines or perhaps a contractor who would like to provide a design element to your business. We can help lighten the load and assist as little or as much as you require to produce the designs you require in a timely fashion. Working with a variety of software we can work with you to translate your designs into drawings, from plans and elevations to construction details and planting plans. We are able to use both Vectorworks and Autocad as required to match your design methods. We can also provide printed designs for presentation or formulate design documents with professional layouts using the Adobe suite or assist in creating visualisations and 3d models in Sketch up to be rendered beautifully and make your project come to life.